She Forgot The Lipstick

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Don’t you just hate it?…….you get all dressed up; you’re looking hot; smokin’ hot! As you strut your stuff down the street, you can almost feel all the eyes upon you.

Then, you happen to catch a quick glimpse of yourself in a mirror, and you suddenly REALIZE…you forgot the lipstick…the whole look you were after is gone to hell, right then and there!.
Untitled attachment 00010DANG !!

41 thoughts on “She Forgot The Lipstick

  1. god love her … in the 60’s she probably had the same outfit and kicked ass while wearing it. you have to have a whole world of “who gives a shit what people think” attitude to strut about wearing this … even if you were 20 and a perfect 10 … you go gramma …


              1. He did not love it. LOL He asked me, what has become almost a daily question, “what is wrong with you?” But he was laughing ,so I don’t think a trip to the crazy house in coming just yet.


  2. Lipstick would have definitely pulled her look together!
    I just hate it when I forget my lipstick, ruins the whole outfit.


  3. She’s obviously put a lot of effort into this look so where’s the smile? That’s all I have to say, I want get out of here asap . . . .


  4. Whoa – she should be ashamed of herself!
    I would not have walked out like that without my hot red lipstick… 😉


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