got my errand done early
this morning
for the rest of the day
don’t feel like doing shit
just kicking back and relax
read take a walk and what-
ever else feel like doing
or not … the life of a
retired person …


eye exam went very well
blood pressure was 130/70
optometrist said I have
healthy eyes no cataracts
glaucoma and no deteriation
plus my glucose reading when
I got up this morning was 105
an excellent sugar reading
it was great all the way around


I have plenty of short story, short
short story and flash fiction books
what I like about them is if your
pressed for time, or just don’t
feel like tackling a regular book
then they come in handy …


books …plenty of them
I have them in a small
bookcase some more next
to the tv under the tv
more on a small table
top and bottom shelf
more on a bench
books in a little stand
and also on the couch

Wonder Wondering

Its 6:45 in the morning
Drinking my first cup
of coffee, and wondered
how many other people on
our planet drinking their
first cup of coffee at the
same time as I am. I have
thought about that a couple
or 3 times about that. I’m
sure, they are out there.
As for how many, I wouldn’t
even hazard a guess.

Just one of the things in
life that goes through this
old head of mine.


It’s the fourth month of the year,
with one week to go when a new month
will start. It seems like only yesterday
a year started and it seems to be zipping
along at breakneck speed.

I know as one gets older time moves a lot
faster than in our younger days, when it seemed
to just plod along like a snail, especially at
work, and clock watching was a nerve wracking
past time.

No matter what, time stops for no one, and it
keeps right on going, ad infinitum.

Short Srory

so…we agree to disagree
but what were we agreeing
to disagree about when we are
disagreeing on what we were
supposed to be agreeing to
disagreeing about
so are we going to agree to
disagree or are we going to
keep on agreeing to disagree
on lord knows what the hell
we are agreeing to disagree
about …

Startled / Short Fiction

Zeke is taking his early evening walk, which he does faithfully 24/7, unless the weather is really bad. He waved to a couple of people he knows, sometimes will have a short conversation with some of them. As he proceeded continuing his walk, when he turned the corner, and lo and behold was an anaconda snake, fully grown, and looking straight at Zeke. He was so startled, that he practically crapped in his pants, and his heart was beating away like a fucking like a drum solo at a rock concert. A minute or two went by when he finally managed to dial 911 and tell police dispatcher about the snake. Two policemen arrived a few minutes later, along with the animal control officer, and got hold of the snake, and put it in a cage.

Needless to say, Zeke didn’t get much sleep that night, as all he could thing and see in his mind the anaconda straight at him.

A Good Feeling

Listening and watching the Miles Davis video titled: What Now, leaves me feeling good all over. There is one video which was recorded back in April of 1959, and it also John Coltrane playing along with Gil Evans and other greats from the jazz community. It has to one of the best pieces of music I have listened to since I was a child. The song sounds just as good today as it did 55 years ago, and I was just a 10-year-old kid, that started liking jazz at an early age. It is a song I will never get tired of listening to.

A Sad Sight / A Short Fiction Story

it is a cold blustery day, that stop Jim for taking his daily. as he is walking through the city park something caught him in the corner of his eye. so he stopped and looked off to the side and saw a middle-aged man bundled up and smoking a cigarette. Jim went down to where the man was standing against a wall. he asked the man if he was alright and he said he was, but he said he was hungry and could use some food and a cup of coffee. Jim asked him why he doesn’t go to a shelter and he the man said he hated shelters. with that said, Jim gave him some money enough to get him a meal or two. when Jim wished him well, he continued on his walk, and he had the thought the homeless man would be most likely buy a cheap bottle of booze, and or couple of bottles of beer. he hated to think that way, but he has seen the movie played out before. and wasn’t going to go back to find out what he did his money.

March 7th Essay

its been almost six years now that I quit smoking
the same time I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
during this past time, my average weight has been
around 140 pounds plus/minus a pound or three
before I was hospitalized my weight was around
170-175 pounds and for my height of 5’6″ that to
me was a lot of excess baggage to carry around
at 75 years of age I never felt better in my life

back in the day when I was a smoker I was sometimes
smoking up to two packs a day which is way too much
so about a few months before I quit I was slowly
weaning myself away from the horrible habit
now I can’t even stand the smell of cigarette smoke
I will say this the smell of a it cigarette and the
smoke it produces is fucking disgusting and I don’t
miss smoking at all


in one ear out the other
blind in one eye can’t see out of the other
starve a cold feed a fever
there’s no ice in ice cream
medium rare what the hell does that mean
you made your bed now sleep in it
feed your head read a book any book as long as its a book

Senseless Rambling

snow on the ground not much though cold windy as all hell kind of chills the bones makes you pick it up a step or three snow blowing off the roof tops also on park grounds not too many people out venturing but who’s to say and criticize we are all creatures of habit of whatever floats their boats winter can sure have its moments good bad so-so of course I’ve always preferred winter over summer for the simple reason the walking is better unless the walkways are icy then its better not to chance it as for the summer when it is hot and very humid well it just slows me down and it kind of takes the fun of walking or doing anything else outside so all in all happy the way things are living day by day the simple life and tend not to let things bother me so try to steer clear of politics and religion as they tend to be endless arguments and headaches to boot shit I don’t need to deal with …

December 17th

it’s sunday a new day a new week but the same old same old month… nothing new or exciting going on… still haven’t heard back about the results of the ultrasound performed as the doctor was off for a few days so I’m not worried about it… should hear from her tomorrow or the next day… good day to do some crosswords… anyways hope you are having a good day…

December 11th

Went to the hospital this morning for the scheduled 10:00 ultrasound on my neck. I got there a bit early and didn’t have to wait long. The procedure took roughly 10 minutes, five minutes for each side. The sounds I heard while doing it was kind of eerie, like out of sci-fi movie. Anyways, I’m glad that part is behind me, now to hear from the doctor sometime on Tuesday. At least I’m more at ease now, and feel much more relaxed.

December 10th

Today, I’m taking it easy and trying to keep my mind at ease. The reason why is Monday morning a scheduled cat scan is being done on the front side of the neck to check to see if the flow of blood has any problems.

Anyway,  see what happens when I get the results back in a day or two. Hopefully all I need is tweak with the meds that I take every morning..


In an earlier post titled: You Know, it was a post that was written to get something off my chest. It’s been the hot humid air that I am not too fond of. I never did like that kind of weather. Anyway, when I came home from an early afternoon walk, which by the way slows down my pace, I still ended up soaked by sweating and cut the walk short. So, I got my laptop, and a cup of coffee, sat on the couch and just started typing away, and wrote anything that came to mind, actually it just flowed out, without any real thinking as to what I was going to say.

The other thing I want to point out is, is that it reminded me of the way Jack Kerouac would write. Just type away like a madman, and that was how I felt, which was a good feeling. I mean I could of wrote a lot more but I think I made my point about the way I feel about certain types of weather.

One more thing I want to point is that a lot of what I written was meant to be a cross between truth and fiction, so you can read it any way you like, I will not hold that against you.

Hopefully it will be the impetus to write more. and go from there…

You know ….

… it’s time that they ban outlaw hot steamy humid foul smelling fucking smoky air fouling up our lungs and making life fucking miserable even the local bag lady agree says her worn out bra gets so sweaty she has to literally peal it off her breasts and her partner who was heading down to the river for his weekly bath needs some new socks as the ones he has now are full of holes and his shoes are practically soleless so he has a hard time getting around so they plan on going dumpster diving hoping to find shoes socks and a bra or two and maybe some shirts too and then see if they can scrounge up some day old donuts from the local coffee shop and they will save them for their morning breakfast and then they will go to the park and sit under the big oak trees and try to take their minds off the oppressive weather then set out later in the evening looking for something to eat then head back the bridge where they catch some sleep so anyways they are in agreement that summer has its good and its bad points and its the fucking bad points they can do without. smart people.

Storm Clouds

“January cold and desolate;
February dripping wet;
March wind ranges;
April changes;
Birds sing in tune
To flowers of May,
And sunny June
Brings longest day;
In scorched July
The storm-clouds fly,
August bears corn,
September fruit;
In rough October
Earth must disrobe her;
Stars fall and shoot
In keen November;
And night is long
And cold is strong
In bleak December.”

~ Christina Rossetti


Watching a couple of black & white Perry Masons from 1962. I was 13 years old which was 61 years ago. That also was the year I started high school. It seems like it was yesterday…

Monday Morning

got out of bed a few minutes
before 6:00 am grabbed my phone to see what the current
temperature was … lo and behold it was 73F with a dew
point reading of 72 … looked out the window and it was
hazy all fuck … now this will make for a miserable day
as I really hate this weather … keep it down south way
down as far it will go and keep it there … when I went
out to do an errand it didn’t take long to be soaked with
sweat … it’s good to be home


A Pondering Thought


what would

I do without it

I  would most

likely be a

basket case

and bouncing off

the fucking walls

thats why I keep

a steady supply

of different brands

I do like to change

it up so I don’t get

tired of drinking the

same old same old

Saturday Evening

took a walk after I finished my supper and it is muggy as all hell and needless to say I was drenched … what helped me keep my mind off the humid air I listened to podcast about an independent bookstore… it was very interesting as I am a book lover and I do make the time each and every day to get some reading in …  what surprised me was a few more people out and about both young and old … here I’m thinking that I would be the only person out walking which on most I may see a couple or more out there  … not even going to bother to figure it out …  now sitting on the couch writing this post along with a cup of coffee and finally feel like a normal self again


Friday Afternoon

it is shortly after noon the sky got really dark and off in the distance the rumble of thunder now the rain has arrived and will be doing its thing for the next couple of hours or so…the afternoon walk is put on hold so I can sit back and read a book…books to me are a life saver as it beats watching tv or staring at the walls…hopefully the mugginess will go away, as it did a number on me yesterday and this morning and everything inside had that wet feeling, knowing it was humid outside on went the a/c to dry the damp feeling…


Friday’s Quote

“Coffee is real good when you drink it gives you time to think. It’s a lot more than just a drink; it’s something happening. Not as in hip, but like an event, a place to be, but not like a location, but like somewhere within yourself. It gives you time, but not actual hours or minutes, but a chance to be, like be yourself, and have a second cup.”

~ Gertrude Stein

Wednesday Morning Pondering

Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the week …with it comes the high humidity and the haze that accompanies it when it does get hazy it makes the sky the air and everything around it and in the distance too look like total shit …it like altars the color of things like trees and buildings just to name a couple of things …it can also make breathing difficult for people who respiratory problems …it can make some dogs lazy and seek out a shady spot to lie down and relax …when I go for walks it kind of automatically slows down my pace a step or two which is probably a good thing …with all this said this is why I love the winter months so I don’t have to put up with this bullshit


Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday afternoon also a song back in the 1970’s sung by the Moody Blues can still hear the song in my head like I was being transported back in time …with that said often wondered would want to back to those days and before that which would be the 50s & 60s … sure there was some good times mixed in with the not so bad the really bad … well I have mixed feelings about it so suffice me to say would probably just sit back and reminisce about the days of yore …some of the people I got to know have left this planet in different ways some I miss greatly and then there’s the ones no great loss …then there are the ones that moved away to different towns and different states …even most of my closest relatives live out of state but I elected to stay where I am in Massachusetts the state I was born  and raised in …anyways I have my books plenty of them which will keep me entertained and the mind sharp so the brain doesn’t go into dry rot …also I like to do crosswords online and ink on paper the digitals ones I do on The Boston Globe and The Washington Post some of the puzzles can be real head bangers but most of the time I will manage to solve them even if it takes me a awhile …back to what I like to read are mostly fiction essays and toss in some memoirs …speaking of memoirs the book I am currently reading is Townie by Andre Dubus III … its about growing up in the Greater Haverhill and Newburyport area the life he lived was very adventurous and violent …his father was a professor and writer a couple of his book I read many years ago …then there are the books that I have started reading like short stories, essays which I go back to from time to time I could go on but I’ll leave it right here


Tonight Show

“This is The Tonight Show. I can’t tell you too much about it, other than the fact that this program is going to go on forever.”

~ Steve Allen

He said this back in the 1950s, and it still is an NBC staple…


a day of doing three online crosswords along with some book reading …get some walks in …watch a game or two of baseball which was always my favorite sport and then football …then there is blog to tend to if I find a some spare time along with replying to some of the comments that which some can be interesting to read …and then there’s Amazon always checking to see what if anything catches my fancy…


Saturday Afternoon

took a walk muggy as all hell came home with the t-shirt practically glued onto my skin …it also drained me and was glad to be back home and the first thing I did was turn on the a/c …slowly recovering …now I’ll sit back relax and probably try to finish one of the books I am reading



outside it is hot humid sticky

indoor it is cool

so sitting on the couch reading a book then emails on the laptop fell asleep while doing that the battery slowly shitting the bed when woke up from the power nap the computer was telling me to plug in charge it up then it will be good to go when I use it again so typing this post on the phone all is good maybe continue reading a few more emails and then probably read one of six books that I have going

undecided whether to take an after meal this evening as the walk earlier in the afternoon knocked the shit out of me … playing it by ear but dollars to donuts most likely will do it

Tuesday Evening

Fourth of July is nearly over with and with that said it seems that summer flies by and the next thing is that you wake up and its Labor Day and football season is upon us the kids are back in school plus the days keep getting shorter till the middle of December … well anyway the point I am making is that the time the months and the seasons fly right on by and it feels like when I change the calendar to the next month it seems that I am ready to change it again … with all that said it feels good to ramble on
