Where Did Summer Go

The calendar that is hanging
on the says, that today’s date
is June 28, 2015.
Well, with the current temperature
of 52 F, at 8:52 pm, feels more
like October, not the early
part of summer.

Did I mention that it rained and
also windy for most of the day?
It did.


It Doesn’t Make Any Sense

For the past couple of nights, I have seen ads of all things: lawn care. It seems odd to show green grass, flowers, etc., when there is so much damn snow on the ground, and it looks like it will be here for quite awhile.

By the way, we’re expecting another inch to three inches tonight, and then change over to freezing rain and then just rain, early Wednesday morning.

Well Agnes, we’ll just have to grin and bare it until Its finally gone.

What I Did On The 4th Of July

The 4th of July has come and one, but if anybody cares as to what I did on (Democracy Day, Independence Day), was watching the rain from Hurricane Arthur come down, which started shortly before noon. It came down heavy at times, but for the most part, it was a light rain. I actually enjoyed watching the rain , in between breaks of watching TV, reading a book, and a crossword. So with a stormy holiday, I kind of enjoyed it.

All in all, it was good.

And exciting.