Aldous Huxley Quote

You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, intelligent enough.

– Aldous Huxley

Chinua Achebe Quote

“The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.”

-Chinua Achebe
Born: November 16, 1930
Nigerian poet, novelist, professor and critic

The Way It Is

October 6 2014

When I see blue sky with a smattering of clouds, it makes me happy. This my fellow readers, is all I need. Don’t need religion, nor read the bible. Don’t need to be told how to enjoy life. I am just basically one happy man, that likes solitude, peace of mind, and quietness.

The coffee tastes so much better, when I’m in a Zen moment. It makes the day much easier to enjoy, and live life to the fullest.

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My Dislikes

Here is the list of my dislikes, and some of them will have reasons for why I do.

Snobby people: A big turn off, as they talk and act like their shit don’t stink. Well it does stink.
People who park their cars right across an entire crosswalk, and have no consideration for pedestrians, and the wheelchair bound.
Politicians: The ones that couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the people who put them in office, but will kiss the big banks, corporations and the oil companies asses. Also, the blow hards who make ridiculous statements, re: doing away with minimum wage, cut backs or deny food stamps for the needy.
Food: I detest lamb, big time. Can’t stand the smell of it when it is being cooked. I will turn around and walk out the door. I’ll add that it is way too greasy.
Other food added to the list: Yogurt, turnips, eggplant, black olives, and artificial sweeteners.
Sports: Watching a sporting event on TV, I don’t mind two in the booth, one doing the play-by-play, and the color man. But when there is three, then they seem to be talking over each other, and sometimes it seems to go on and on, and half time they make no sense. That does piss me off, and ready to throw a shoe at the television.
News: I hate Fox News, and most of the other network news, as it seems to have gone done the toilet. Most of it is nothing more but puff pieces, instead of real hardcore news, and not really telling the truth.
Internet trolls: Idiots who would rather slam the shit out of something a person rights, instead of posting a halfway decent comment. They’re nothing but boring people, who would praise the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and others of their ilk.
Ads on TV: There are quite a few of them, that turn me off, as they seem to talk down to people.
Speaking of ads, I was watching the baseball game, and lo and behold, they slide ads across the screen,
last only a few seconds, and I’m wondering, do really need to have them bombarding us with ads, for almost anything that is sold on the market. Plus the stadiums with ads plastered all over the walls, and on top of the parks.
Religion: I’m not against religion, but I don’t like it rammed down my throat, and I really don’t like talking about it.

Those are some of the things in life, that I dislike. There are more, but I will leave it at that.


The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry,
of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the
point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the
absence of a garden. If you don’t want paradise, you are not
human; and if you are not human, you don’t have a soul.

— Thomas Moore


In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions
are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without
examination, from authorities who have not themselves
examined the questions at issue but have taken them at
second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions
about them were not worth a brass farthing.

— Mark Twain


Once upon a time, wasn’t singing a part of everyday life as much as talking, physical exercise, and religion? Our distant ancestors, wherever they were in this world, sang while pounding grain, paddling canoes, or walking long journeys. Can we begin to make our lives once more all of a piece? Finding the right songs and singing them over and over is a way to start. And when one person taps out a beat, while another leads into the melody, or when three people discover a harmony they never knew existed, or a crowd joins in on a chorus as though to raise the ceiling a few feet higher, then they also know there is hope for the world.

— Pete Seeger


Source: wisdom quotes