
Okay, so I’m outside getting some air. It is late, like 11:55 night late. A neighbor of comes out, and says,
“Nice Night.”
Me: “Yes it is, and a delightful one.”
He: “Nice and warm.”
Me: “Yup.”
He: “The moon looks nice too.”
Me: “In all its glory.”
He: When he decided to go back inside, he said, “Have a good day.”
Me: Why say that, when the time according to my phone reads 11:59 PM. I mean the day is already shot to hell. In another 60 seconds a new day will start. So why didn’t this moron wish me a good day then, instead of say, 10-11 hours earlier, when the day was still in its earlier stages. It would have picked up my spirits, feel lively, full of piss and vinegar, the cats meow, the bees knees, do an Irish Jig. But no. It never happened. Such is life.

A bit of fictitious humor, observation and/or rant: chuckle, chuckle, ha ha, groan, by A Pondering Mind.


The moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase, which is 32% illuminated. Believe me, the moon is in the photo. Shortly after 6:00 pm, it was 31F, -0.6C. Not too bad for the first week of December.

32% of the moon is illuminated.
32% of the moon is illuminated.