A Sight For Sore Eyes

Saturday morning, he goes down to his favorite bakery to buy a couple of bran muffins and a coffee to go. As he is waiting for his order to be finished, he hears the bell atop the door ring, and what he sees is his ex-girlfriend from a few years back. It immediately brought back some bad memories, and now he’s at a loss for words.

They looked at each other, neither one said a word, and when his order was ready, he paid for his stuff, and left the premises. All the way home, he he wished that he never went out. When he finally arrives at his home, he puts the muffins on the counter, then go to his spot on the floor and meditate, knowing that it will clear up his head.

I write because this is what I do.

Just Thinking

There’s the saying(s) “time goes by to fast,’ “where did the time go?’ “time sure flies when you are having fun,” etc, etc.

If you ever want time to go by slow, pull up a chair, sit, relax and give the clock your undivided attention, and witness time passing by.

Call it meditation by clock.


Meditation is not about finding the self–quite the contrary: it is about finding one’s way beyond the self. Meditation is also not about ‘explaining the mind’. It is instead about clearing away clutter created by the mind. — David M. White