How Time Flies

Talk about ‘how time flies.’

Just heard a song

on the radio.

“Can I Get a Witness”

by Marvin Gaye.

The song goes

back to the ’60s.

It brought back memories,

some good, so bad, and so-so.

Yes, ‘how time flies.’

A Pondering Mind 10/12/2014

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Get It Right Before You Speak

When I was listening to the radio this morning, the mid-morning, early-afternoon DJ, announcer or whatever they are called, was making mention of Autumn beginning this Saturday, the 20th. Well, it does not start on that date. It is September 23, the same day as my late father’s birthday was. Then about an hour later she said the same thing again, about the date that Autumn begins.

I was tempted to take a wake over to the radio station, which is just around the corner from where I live, and tell her or someone to tell when the correct date is. I mean, is it too much to take a look at the calendar to see what day the new season begins.

Its just one of those things in life that bugs the shit out of me.

A Pondering Mind 9/15/2014

Sky or Skies

In a post before this one, I titled it: Partly Cloudy Sky. Why am I pointing this out? Because what irks the shit out of me, is when the local and national TV, along with the radio weather forecasters, always, without a doubt, say “skies” when it should be “sky”. When we look up at the sky, we only see one sky, not two. So why do they insist on using the plural, instead of the singular word? Are they that stupid, that it is obvious that there is, and will always be one and only sky. Get with the program. That’s it.