Concerning Boston Marathon Bomber Manhunt

Concerning the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bomber, I decided not blog about  it, as I felt that just about every living person on the planet has seen, heard and read about it. The Boston TV stations have been on it since it this awful event happened. Myself, I can only watch it for so long, and then change the channel to watch something else. Also, am very selective to read online, and in the local newspaper, which is a joke, but that’s story for another time.

I feel bad for the families that lost relatives, and also for the injured, severe and the less severe.

As for the Westboro Baptist Church assholes, the ones that picket certain funerals, want to come to Boston. My advice, stay the fuck away, as you are not wanted.

For the readers of my blog want to read anything about the bombing and manhunt, here is a link (in bold) for The Boston Globe. For the time being, it is free for anyone to peruse. It has all the up to date info, plus videos, photos and slide shows.

Be strong Boston